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The TileImage-PlugIn splits a specified image into small portions
with the same size.
The output-format is selected as usual in the Savers-Window of
the Processor.

 Input		input-image
 Output		base-filename of the generated particles
 xCount		number of fragments in x-direction
 yCount		number of fragments in y-direction

 1. Finally you will get xCount*yCount fragments with
    filenames like "output.0001", "output.0002", ...
    The counter runs from the left lower edge to the right upper
    edge (which may be important if you want to use
    the created images later)
 2. the sum of the generated fragments must fit the
    image-size *exactly*. For example you can't subdivide
    an image of the dimensions 640x480 into 3x7 fragments
 3. The idea for this PlugIn is really not mine ;)